Welcome to Day 9/32.
There I was booting into my Linux machine when I noticed I had no internet, this makes no sense, my Ethernet is connected and working (lights were blinking) but my OS tells a different story. The only thing I immediately thought was responsible for is the update I did last night due to CVE-2024–3094. Luckily, my Wi-Fi still works, I did another system update this morning to see whether something was broken in the previous update.
During my second update to resolve the Ethernet problem, I came into another problem, I don’t even know how to describe it, so I’ll just show you.
The update was done, I decided to restart my PC, and the problem was solved.
But there’s still the main issue — my Ethernet connection stopped working, if anyone who uses the Parrot OS Linux distro facing the same problem and finds the solution, please let me know via Twitter: Wallotry
I decided not to waste any time on this issue considering that my Wi-Fi works, and so I continued my research.
I’ve discovered three Burp Suite extensions I’d like to share with you:
- IP Rotate (Useful in bypassing IP-based rate-limiting)
- DNS Analyzer (Useful in finding DNS vulnerabilities such as The Kaminsky attack)
- Reflected Parameters (Useful in finding XSS vulnerabilities)
I predict that tomorrow, I’ll conclude all my research I am catching up on and will finally continue manually hacking my target.
Happy hacking. See you tomorrow. ❤